منتدى منارة دشنا
 Black and Gold Blackberrry Porsche Design p9981 with VIP PIN & Blackberry Z10 GWGt0-n1M5_651305796
منتدى منارة دشنا
 Black and Gold Blackberrry Porsche Design p9981 with VIP PIN & Blackberry Z10 GWGt0-n1M5_651305796
منتدى منارة دشنا
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  Black and Gold Blackberrry Porsche Design p9981 with VIP PIN & Blackberry Z10

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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عضو جديد


العمر : 54
عدد الرسائل : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 30/04/2013

 Black and Gold Blackberrry Porsche Design p9981 with VIP PIN & Blackberry Z10 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Black and Gold Blackberrry Porsche Design p9981 with VIP PIN & Blackberry Z10    Black and Gold Blackberrry Porsche Design p9981 with VIP PIN & Blackberry Z10 I_icon_minitime30/4/2013, 7:03 pm

Products !!
Blackberry Porsche Design P9981 Gray & Black color Cost : ($616USD) (With special pin code)

Blackberry Z-10=====$600USD

Blackberry Q-10=====$550USD

Apple iPhone 5 16GB ===== $300 USD

Apple iPhone 5 32GB ===== $350 USD

Apple iPhone 5 64GB ===== $380 USD

Blackberry 9900 ============ $250 USD

Blackberry Porche Design ===== $600 USD

Blackberry TK Victory ========$500 USD

Samsung Galaxy S2 ========== $250 USD

Samsung Galaxy S3 ========== $300 USD

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 ====== $350 USD

Samsung Galaxy S4 ========== $400 USD

SONY XPERIA Z=========$400USD


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------


Buy 2 Unit and get 1 Unit free with free shipping service
Buy 4 Unit and get 2 Unit free with free shipping service

The New Apple iPad 4G $350USD

Package Content
1 iPad
1 Dock Connector to USB Cable
1 USB Power Adapter
1 Documentation

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Black and Gold Blackberrry Porsche Design p9981 with VIP PIN & Blackberry Z10
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