احمد جاد عبدالوارث مشرف عام القسم الإسلامي
العمر : 35 عدد الرسائل : 2688 تاريخ التسجيل : 03/09/2008
| موضوع: هام:شكوى الجماهير المصريه للإتحاد الدولي للرد علي الإساءه وليس الهزيمة 19/11/2009, 8:24 pm | |
| هذةالخطوات ليست للإعتراض علي الهزيمة ولكنها شكوي للاتحاد الدولي تفيد بأنهذا الجمهور لا يصلح أن يصعد لنهائيات كأس العالم وأن تم من قبل خطابتحذيري بأن من يقوم بأعمال الشغب سيحرم من الصعود لكأس العالم .نتمنى أن يكونوا منصفين ويتخذوا الإجراء الازممن المحتمل أن يكون الإحباط إنتاب البعض بإنهم لم يفعلوا شئ لكنها محاولة فانرجوا الإهتمام و ده لينك للاتحاد الدولى الفيفا[url=http://www.fifa.com/contact/form.html][ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]____________________________________________________ياريتكله يبعت للفيفا يطلب الغاء نتيجة المباراة بسبب الى حصل بعد المباراةويكتب كل الى سمعه حصل بعد الماتش والى معاه لينكات لفيديوهات او لينكاتمن برامج او مكالمات استغاثة من المصريين فى السودانالموضوع هام جدا وممكن يجيب نتيجة ايجابية وتتلغي نتيجة المباراة وحصلت قبل كده فعلا____________________________________________________وهذه صيغة عشان تتبعت علي طولTo the International Federation of footballWeurge you to Withdrawal the Algerian team from qualifying to the WorldCup because of their Barbarism and the lack sports ethics, andattacking the Egyptian team and Egyptian Citizens using weapons likeknives and machetesAnd we have full faith of your wisdom and Justice in solving problemsThank you so much____________________________________________________وهذه صيغة تانيةHeyall of you , Fifa Signture is My game is Fair play and what algeria didtoday in the match with Egypt is not fair play First :they Stormed thefield before the match , they destroyed the bus of Egyptian players ,they Threatened players and Egyptian people with death Second : theythrough fire into the field during the match Third : they stopped theEgyptian buses in sudan and hit egyptian people and some of them waskilled or Permanently injured so , it was no a fair game and what allwe need is to rescue us and rescue what Fifa What are trying to beapplied in the spirit of sports Egypt Presented to the world The BestYouth World Cup so you must protect her right to access to the WorldCup and re-calculating or outcome of the game in favor of Egyptour gameis fair playthanks Great Fifa________________________________________وهذه صيغه تالته DearGentlemen Since you banned from the riots before and after the game,and it arrived with you a caution that the team who will break therules may be deprived of access the world cup final game, even if thatteam was the winner. And due to the breach of the Algerian people, teamand football union this warnings, resulting in a serious affront to theEgyptian public in Sudan with ugly words and signs and also resulted ininjury to the Egyptians, including a serious and of surface injuries.Moreover the inexplicable notable from the Algerian players to theEgyptian players and spectators before, during and after the game Thereferee role of complacency in giving the red cards directly or evenyellow cards to the Algerian players and also pass the time allowanceequal to the lost time that wasted by the Algerians. And also the faceof Egyptian expatriates in Algeria, beginning of siege of 1500 employeein the Egyptian Arab Contractors company, burning of a factory belongsto Egyptian Orascom telecom, cracking of EgyptAir office in the Capitalcity to the escape of Egyptian citizens from Algeria leaving behindthem everything just to save their lives. So, for all the previousreasons and more, we are requesting the followings: 1-Implement thewarn deprive Algerian team to play in the world cup finals 2-Largefinancial penalties on the union of Algerian football for breaching therules agreed 3-Removal of Algerian football union President, Mr.Rewrawa owing to poor utilization of his position in FIFA 4-Punish thereferees of the match because of the exaggerated and the unfairness inthe game Ultimately, we hope the justice and please do not extort asinjustice as others did This letter is not response of the defeat butin response to the insult. Thank you very much___________الخطوات بالظبط************اختارو الاول فى الاختيارات اللى قبل الاسم عبارةFeedback on National Teams' Fixtures and Results========================================Please..Important ! وبعدين اكتبوا اسمكم , والميل , واكتبوا السابجكت كده ========================================واعملوا كوبى للمسج الانجليزي و حطوها فى مكان المسج========================================URL هتلاقوا تحت مربع المسج مكتوبوفى مكان تحطوا لينك الفيديو ده[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUZwof4pIUE][ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]========================================وبعدين تحتها اكتبوا الارقام اللى موجودة على اليمين فى المربع الصغير الفاضي========================================و بعدينSubmit
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